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The Roles and Goals of Marketing Research: Where we are and where we need to be

I’m not a historian.  I know little about the origin of market research, though I guess I know a little more now, but I do know that back in the late 90’s Dick McCullough and I worked together at MACRO in a little office above a Baskin and Robbins. The company was strong analytically, strong in research fundamentals and true…

A Chronology of Censorship

This is not a story.  It is an accounting of events.  It is all true.  Every fact, every date, every quote. The purpose of this document is simply to outline what happened.  The story will come later. You are likely to recognize many of the people mentioned here because I’m using their real names and because they’re famous, at least…

Response to “A Taxonomy and Assessment …” by Dick McCullough

Dick McCullough makes some great points.  I, like him, have been a regular ART Forum attendee for 20 years, and have also attended a number of Sawtooth Conferences.   We both come away from these conferences with new ideas, our careers have benefited from the people we’ve met, and we’ve gained much from the opportunities given to us to present our…

A Taxonomy and Assessment Of Current Market Research Conferences In North America: A Bayesian Approach To Modeling The Conference Selection Dynamic: A Response And Clarification

I certainly enjoyed reading Dick McCullough’s editorial and I am in total agreement with almost all of his points. Been there, done that, over and over and over again. I do think there are a few exceptions to his taxonomy, most notably the annual MRA conference, where there is a very healthy blend of activities of both the selling and…