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Trade-Off Study Sample Size

The effect of sample size on model error is examined through several commercial data sets, using five trade-off techniques: ACA, ACA/HB, CVA, HB-Reg and CBC/HB. Using the total sample to generate surrogate holdout cards, numerous subsamples are drawn, utilities estimated and model results compared to the total sample model. Latent class analysis is used to model the effect of sample…

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Web-Based Market Research

Good, fast, cheap. Pick two.” I first heard that phrase when a friend of mineˡ used it to describe the dilemma that faces every researcher when designing or purchasing a marketing research project.  But Web-based marketing research studies are fundamentally and permanently changing the role marketing research will play in future businesses. Good, fast, cheap. Pick two? Not any more….

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What is Wrong With Larry's Argument

I would like to thank Larry Gibson for his provocative article, What’s Wrong With Conjoint Analysis? Larry makes a valid point, namely, that self-explicated scaling is largely overlooked even though it appears to have valuable potential as a research tool. However, Larry, in his zealous evangelizing of the merits of self-explicated scaling, has frequently and incorrectly criticized conjoint analysis. Further,…

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Why Market Research Is a Waste of Money (And What You Can Do About It)

Market research is not only a waste of money, it is also a waste of time and human resources. Market research causes product launch dates to slip and new product champions to have ulcers. It makes entire organizations tentative, indecisive. It inspired the phrase “analysis paralysis.” And that’s the good news. The bad news is that every dollar spent on…

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