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The Florida Recount

George W. Bush and Al Gore, Jr. ran for president of the United States. They virtually ran a dead heat. And it took the system an agonizing month and a half to sort it all out, globally showcasing a substantial amount of dirty laundry in the process. What went wrong? Who really won? How can we keep it from happening…

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The Logit-Cake Method©

The Logit-Cake Method© is a unique, proprietary approach to choice-based trade-off analysis, developed by MACRO Consulting, Inc., which offers several advantages over other trade-off methods: A large number of product features (50 or more) can be included in the model The heterogeneity problem long associated with aggregate logit models is avoided The traditional advantages of logit models over conjoint models…

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The Number of Levels Effect

In this paper, we first offer an analytic approach that confirms the existence of the algorithmic component to the number of levels effect for rank-order data. We then describe a second study which demonstrates a practical solution to the number of levels effect, regardless of the source of the effect. Abstract The existence of the number of levels effect (NOL)…

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The Perils of Online Surveys

When online surveys were first introduced to the marketing research community, there was justifiably great excitement and optimism. Online surveys promised numerous and substantive advantages over both phone and mall-intercept interviews: shorter field times, lower costs per interview, virtually complete elimination of interviewer bias, infinitely greater interview process control (e.g., randomizations, customizations, complex yet flawlessly executed skip patterns, logic checks…

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The Roles and Goals of Marketing Research

In 1911, Charles Coolidge Parlin became the first “real” marketing researcher when he was appointed manager of the commercial research division of the advertising department of the Curtis Publishing Company, thus birthing an industry. Why did this one minor adjustment to the corporate structure of Curtis Publishing spawn an entire industry? Because, in 1911, in its infantile innocence and ignorance,…

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The System is Set Up to Reward the Appearance of Substance

Jonathan Weiner objects to my column on storytelling precisely because he’s a good researcher. He is aware of the pitfalls I cite and works hard to avoid them. But my criticisms are general, based on years of observing dozens of client/supplier relationships. Just because Weiner doesn’t see these problems in his practice does not imply they are not widespread and…

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The Three Little Suits

Once upon a time there were three little suits: Respond, Meddle and Please. These three little suits had very strange, entangled relationships with one another. But mostly they lived together peacefully. Which was good because, without these strange, entangled relationships, they each would have starved. Respond was a good-hearted soul, a bit simple perhaps, but he always meant well and…

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The World Wide Web

What do Che Guevara, Thomas Jefferson and Mao Tse-tung all have in common? The most powerful instrument of social change has always been information (the pen is mightier than the sword).  The Web is poised to deliver more information to more people, regardless of their place in the power structure, than has ever been delivered in the history of the…

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Three and a half Steps to Statistical Success

Introduction Like all other true sources of knowledge, i.e., hard sciences (vis-a-vis the faux sciences, such as psychology and sociology), there are certain First Principles that guide the intrepid statistician in his holy quest. This article serves to summarize these First Principles in much the same way as Moses summarized the laws of organized society over 6,000 years ago last…

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Trade-off Analysis

Trade-off analysis is a family of methods by which respondents’ utilities for various product features are measured. This article discusses trade-off analysis, including basic concepts and the four main types of trade-off: conjoint, discrete choice, self-explicated and hybrid. Trade-off analysis is a family of methods by which respondents’ utilities for various product features (usually including price) are measured. In some…

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