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Happy Holidays

The MACRO Consulting, Inc. team would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you during 2017. We appreciate your business and the confidence you have placed in us. Wishing you all the joys of the season, happiness and success in 2018.

Brand Imagery Measurement with ImageMax©

An extension to MaxDiff Scaling has been developed that yields substantially better brand imagery measurement than rating scales.  If you would like to know how to eliminate brand halo, eliminate scale usage bias and increase both inter-item discrimination and predictive validity, please view the video below: ImageMax© Brand Imagery Measurement

Marketing Research Association CEO Summit 2017

MACRO Consulting, Inc. is pleased to announce its attendance at the upcoming MRA CEO Summit 2017. Our President, Paul Richard McCullough, is looking forward to meeting and share his insights and experience with other CEOs, business owners and presidents of small to mid-sized marketing research companies.

Segmentation: The Key to Conducting Successful Segmentation Research

The goal of segmentation is to divide the total marketplace into subgroups whose members are similar to one another and different from members of other subgroups. The key to conducting successful segmentation research is to define “similar” and “different” in terms that are relevant to the client’s business. For example, a segmentation based on gender may create segments that are…

Free Webinar – A Beginners Guide to MaxDiff Scaling

A fairly recent extension of choice-based conjoint, MaxDiff Scaling has proven to generate better quality data than rating scales in virtually every evaluative measure. QuestionPro has unique capabilities that accommodate the very specific data collection requirements of MaxDiff, allowing users to create more accurate consumer insights than ever before. Next week QuestionPro is doing a webinar – A Beginners Guide to MaxDiff…

Advanced Research Methods

A month ago, MACRO Consulting, Inc. co-hosted a webinar on the use of several advanced research methods: MaxDiff, Conjoint, Structural Equation Models and Segmentation. If you would like to learn more about these techniques, here’s the link Vxvvczv      

Why I Don’t Use Adaptive Conjoint Methods

  When Rich Johnson, founder of Sawtooth Software, introduced Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA) to the marketing research community in 1985, he almost single-handedly birthed an industry.  Academics and practitioners alike embraced his innovative approach to conjoint because it was both elegant and practical.  It was clever, intuitively reasonable and so easy to use even a PhD couldn’t mess it up. …

Brand Halo

  Knowing the true strength of your brand may require an additional step in your analysis  – the result will be better information.  Brand Halo is something you might already account for in your brand imagery research, but if you don’t, and your brand equity is strong amongst your target, it is muddying the waters of your analysis. Edward Thorndike was the first researcher to empirically measure the Halo Effect – “a…

ImageMax – A New and Better Way to Measure, Interpret and Act on Brand Imagery

  Last Fall we teased our 2013 Sawtooth Conference presentation on a new way to measure Brand Imagery – an analytical approach we call ImageMax. We have also edited a shorter overview of the conference paper and made it available for download on our website here.   At Macro, we’re passionate about developing the value of research, particularly advanced analytics.  ImageMax is the result…

Single Task Choice

Big Data isn’t the only offspring of the Digital Age shaping the future of marketing research.  Society’s ever increasing migration to life on the Web has had another important impact: the size of survey samples.  Despite the daily obituaries being written for survey research, surveys continue to play an important role in building the marketing information on which marketing decisions…