The existence of the number of levels effect (NOL) in conjoint models has been widely reported since 1981 (Currim et al.). Currim et al. demonstrated that the effect is, for rank-order data, at least partially mathematical or algorithmic. Green and Srinivasan (1990) have argued that another source of this bias may be behavioral. Although NOL can significantly distort study findings, no method for eliminating NOL, other than holding the number of attribute levels constant, has been discovered.
In this paper, we confirm the existence of both algorithmic and psychological components of NOL for full-profile metric conjoint, examine the time decay of the psychological component and further develop a solution originally proposed in McCullough (1999) to completely eliminate NOL effects from full-profile trade-off models.
The existence of the number of levels effect in conjoint models has been widely reported since 1981 (Currim et al.). The effect occurs when one attribute has more or fewer levels than other attributes. For example, if price were included in a study and defined to have five levels, price would appear more important than if price were defined to have two levels. This effect is independent of attribute range, which also can dramatically affect attribute relative importance.
NOL was originally observed for rank-order preferences but has since been shown to occur with virtually all types of conjoint data (Wittink et al. 1989). Currim et al. demonstrated, for rank-order data, that the effect is at least partially mathematical or algorithmic. Green and Srinivasan (1990) have argued that a source of this bias may also be behavioral. That is, attributes with higher numbers of levels may be given more attention by respondents than attributes with fewer levels. If true, this might cause respondents to rate attributes with a greater number of levels higher than attributes with fewer levels. Steenkamp and Wittink (1994) have argued that the effect is, at least partially, due to non-metric quality responses, which computationally causes ratings data to behave similarly to rank-order data.
The NOL effect behaves somewhat differently for rank-order data and metric data. No NOL effect has so far been detected by simply removing levels from metric data in Monte Carlo simulations. However, there appears to be some question of whether or not there can be an algorithmic component of NOL for metric data derived from human responses, if the assumptions of normal, independent error terms are not met.
On the other hand, for rank-order data, it has been widely reported since Currim et al. that an NOL effect can be detected that is at least partially algorithmic by removing levels. Thus, in this strict sense of algorithmic component, the NOL effect from rank-order data may have both an algorithmic and psychological component but the NOL effect from metric data may have only a psychological component. The question is still open as to whether or not an algorithmic component for metric data exists when the data are derived from human responses.
It is generally agreed that the NOL effect is a serious problem that can and often does significantly distort attribute relative importance scores, utility estimates and market simulation results. And largely due to the fact that the only known method for removing this effect has been to hold the number of levels constant across attributes, it has often been ignored in commercial studies. McCullough (1999) suggested an approach that may eventually prove practical in eliminating NOL effects in full-profile conjoint studies. This paper further develops the concepts originally proposed there.
The objectives of this paper are:
The objective of the study is:
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